Dear IfJ members,
We would like to invite you to IfJ’s AGM with speakers presenting on highly relevant areas to assist our work.
We would be delighted if you can join us on 5th May.
It is important that as many members attend as possible, as we are required to have a significant proportion of the membership present.
The meeting will start at 10am with the AGM, before handing over to the speakers.
Please find the agenda below, however time slots for speakers might change.
10 – 10.45
AGM and IfJ annual report
10.45 - 11.15
Jonathan Solly, Criminal Procedure Rule Committee secretariat - MOJ and Jodie Blackstock - JUSTICE.
What is the CPR committee? - The new CPR Criminal Practice Rules which relate to intermediary work (April 2021). A walk through the existing CPRs and the new additions related to intermediaries.
Jodie Blackstock - JUSTICE
Justice and who we are & an Update on Mental health and fair trials report
Susan Stewart - IfJ trustee
A description of the PCVC resources - available to all as a free downloadable resource on IfJ website.
General check in with members
Close of AGM
Please save the date in your diary and a Zoom invite link will be sent nearer the time and we look forward to seeing you.