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Family Court Discussion
IfJ training: Special interest groups (SIGs)
Event details
Zoom OnlineUnited Kingdom
Booking info
Course facilitator(s): Amy Harrison & Nicola Lewis
Amy and Nicola are Registered Intermediaries and HMCTS Appointed Intermediaries, specialising in Family Court work.
As well as having worked on a large number of family cases as intermediaries, Amy and Nicola bring their experiences to the training from working in other non-intermediary roles related to the family court. Amy has worked as a Local Authority solicitor, foster carer and adopter. She is also Vice Chair of the fostering panel of an Independent Fostering Agency. Nicola has also worked as a public and private law solicitor and still works as an accredited family mediator.
Course requirements: IfJ Member
Who is this course for: Court-appointed intermediaries with experience in the family court.
Hosted by IfJ members and CAI Family Court Intermediaries, Nicola Lewis and Amy Harrison, this free session is to disucss experiences working in the Family Court with other intermediaries/IfJ members.
26th March 19:00-20:30
Please register to receive a Zoom link.
Cancellation Policy
This event is free to attend, but please inform us if you are no longer able to attend.